we “Christians” get frustrated because those saved won’t “stick with it” – without first considering: maybe they were never truly saved…
All in Life Lessons
we “Christians” get frustrated because those saved won’t “stick with it” – without first considering: maybe they were never truly saved…
It seems that far too often, we “Christians” find ourselves over-our-heads in pity, condemnation, discouragement or doubt because of this little thing called: “feelings.”
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you cross rivers, you will not drown. Isaiah 43:2
looking back over my life & ministry, it's painfully obvious that I rarely did things close to perfect. I should've smiled more, said less, given bigger, listened longer and prayed more specifically.
its’ been a crazy last 3-4 months… and WE ARE READY for the next chapters!
Be defined by God's grace and not an emoji.
You know that many runners enter a race, and only one of them wins the prize. So run to win! 1 Corinthians 9:24
"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential." — Bruce Lee
I've always lived by the thought, "begin with the end in mind" -- I apply this to many areas of my life (from sermon prep, to ministry focus, to financial planning, to exercise objectives, etc)…
I want to see the CHURCH, that Jesus set in motion, RISE UP and RETURN to being a community-shaking, Holy Spirit powered, world-changing, enemy-crushing, non-stop-smiling, servant-warrior family who are super courageous and explode with crazy love!
Doubt is a punk! He's a hater, poser and crippler. He causes you to focus on your feelings and fears. He distracts you from spending time with Jesus and reading God's Word.