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~ Chilly

Not Feelin' It

It seems that often, far too often, we “Christians” find ourselves over-our-heads and sinking fast under the waves of pity, condemnation, discouragement or doubt… And, these drowning forces of despair are often caused by this little thing called: “feelings.” 

We don’t feel like reading our Bibles, we don’t feel like sharing our faith, we don’t feel like going to church, we don’t feel like being nice, etc.  Or, we don’t feel like anything is happening in areas where we need answers or miracles … ugh! Yeah, I’ve been there many, many times … sigh…

We long, so bad, for those times when we felt God in such a real way we thought we were going to explode!!

Feelings by their very nature are misleading. Surely you’ve felt something one day, only to feel nearly the opposite the next. I believe feelings and emotions are part of being a Christian - and in being human in general - but God calls us to SO much more than that. God calls us to work.

We certainly aren’t saved by works – as Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us – but we sure aren’t saved by feelings, either.

We’re saved by God.

And therefore should take Him seriously when he says, faith without works is dead” (James 2:17). That means it’s possible for us to feel as though we have faith to move mountains, yet in reality it could be that we have the dead faith spoken of in James 2:17.

God calls us to be and do 
rather than to simply feel

He calls us to have real faith instead of just a few emotional highs.

Real faith is something others can see. That’s why James says in verse 18, “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.” 

Faith can’t simply sit around on it’s butt or spend all it’s time in worship services & Christian events – no way! 

People are lost and need a Savior & Lord – you have the opportunity to do something! Faith can’t help but demonstrate itself and that is what helps us know it is real. Yeah, what shows we have real faith is when that faith compels us to help the poor and to turn away from temptation. Real faith happens when we stand for God in a culture that looks or runs the other way. Real faith causes us to occasionally leave our comfort zones & step out upon the water where Jesus calls us: “Yes, it’s me! Do not be afraid. Come.”

And interestingly enough, that kind of faith is certainly something to feel good about!

Ok… I’m done.

And, I feel so much better!

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