
Thank you for checking out my blog! Stay connected!
~ Chilly

Sprinting through my Marathon

Sprinting through my Marathon

Recently, I’ve had a few conversations about “longevity in ministry” … it seems in some circles that tenure is respected above effectiveness. Honestly, I think both are important. You should stay as long as the Lord allows you to stay and not a moment longer (or shorter).

Me and my family have ran all sorts of races, some were quick ranging between 1-3 years in other places, 4-6 years, and we ran hard for nearly 12 years in Detroit (perhaps our ‘hardest’ and most amazing race so far).

I learned in each this simple truth:


Can you imagine challenging the Apostle Paul with “tenure” or “longevity”? He probably would’ve throat punched you before you got the question all the way out of your mouth! After a few years hidden in training, he hustled! He was in most places 6-12 months maybe a couple years in Ephesus and Rome — and ultimately, prison was the primary reason he stayed in a place the longest.

Remember - there are different kinds of “runners” (pastors, prophets, evangelists, teachers and apostles - see Ephesians 4) and each have unique skills and often very different lengths to their races. I’ve been apostolic for much of my life & ministry… this means I’m a pioneer not a settler. So, my role — like many others — is different. Different job, different style, different focus and different timeline(s).

Staying a long time IS admirable and hard to do for many people. But, it’s not — in and of itself — an indication of “success” unless the only goal was “time”…

My point is — sure, life is ultimately a marathon and of course we want to be there at the finish line. But, your marathon is not my marathon (or anyone else’s) — we’re all unique. And, each marathon is filled with various races: sprints, hurdles, 5Ks, 10Ks and others. We need to WIN THEM ALL!

You know that many runners enter a race, and only one of them wins the prize. So run to win! 1 Corinthians 9:24

I don’t know all the details about the incredible race God now has me running — I’d love to go hard for 10+ years straight! That would push me right up to retirement age (whatever that is - HA!)… but, I’m not making any promises except, I WILL WIN! I will obey God. I will be faithful to His mission. I will love ALL the people in my path. I will GIVE everything I have. I will fight fear, failure and flesh. Yes, I WILL WIN!


Because that’s what Jesus does and that’s what Jesus deserves.

So, today, as you lace up your shoes and press towards the mark — DON’T worry about anyone else’s race. RUN your race with reckless abandonment to cause and purpose of Christ!

WIN all the races!

I’m running hard in greater St. Louis, the Riverbend, Alton, Godfrey and beyond!
— my eyes fixed on the prize — determined to WIN and honor my King!

The Holy Spirit fuels my faith and strengthens my endurance!

See you in the winner’s circle…
~ Chilly



Hack Away!

Hack Away!