Vomit Tacos
As a dog goes back to its vomit, so a fool repeats his stupidity. Proverbs 26:11
Admit it, you’ve seen it happen… a dog starts wrenching and convulsing… and, then with one sudden gasp, yaks up a bunch of slimy, smelly guck!! SO GROSS!! But, that’s not the worst part … in just a few minutes after barfing, the dog does what seems to be EVEN WORSE, that’s right, the dog GOES BACK to the vomit and licks it ALL up!!
DISGUSTING! And, yet, hard NOT to watch! We yell at them to “STOP!” and they pause, look up sort of confused and then go right back to licking. DISGUSTING! We think, “what a stupid dog”… ugh.
Ok, I admit it, the imagery I’ve painted is repulsive (I hope you’re not reading this over lunch or dinner)!! But, here’s the BIG TRUTH about this repulsive topic:
we eat vomit too!
Because, like seeing a dog vomit, you’ve also seen (or done) some other really “disgusting” things – here’s a few:
the girl with the deadbeat, abusive, unemployed boyfriend breaks up with him, finally, and then a few days later, goes back to him (and repeats this process again & again)… or,
the guy who gets busted looking at porn on the internet – feels humiliated, vows to never do it again… and then goes right back to it… or,
the person constantly bullies anyone in his path and then decides to stop and be kind - but days later is meaner than before! or,
the addict that returns to the alcohol, pills, powder, vape, syringe or cigarette… or,
the social media gossip gives up always being hateful & hurtful by stirring up lies, rumors and tension… but when being nice is less popular, goes back to hating & hurting! … or,
the prodigal that returns to God and then a month later is worse than before… or,
how about this one: the person that says “no more snoozing through my alarm, I’m getting up early & spending time with God,” then a few weeks (or days) later it’s right back to oversleeping.
Are you heaving yet? Did you just gag? These are FAR worse than the dog! And, we KNOW better!
Sin is like dog barf… and, here’s the painful part, we’re like the dog! We say “we’re done” then we go back, and pick up that vomit taco, add a little spice, and devour it ALL OVER AGAIN!
Think about it: this poor dog finally, through straining and gagging, vomits up (and out) this vile thing that has caused pain & discomfort throughout it’s insides. and then, after gaining relief goes right back to it and licks it up.
Is it any different than the person who has been convinced but not converted? Sure, they feel guilty but don’t truly change and therefore return to their old habits, life and SIN – forgetting, quickly, how sick it made them and oblivious to what it looks like to others trying to stop them.
And, we “Christians” get frustrated because they won’t “stick with it” – without first considering: maybe they were never truly saved – which results in a heartfelt desire to repent (go the opposite direction of our “old barf”).
We assume too much. We love too little. We pray even less.
Before we think about someone else’s “barf issues,” let’s ask God to examine the contents of our inner-person. is there SIN causing us discomfort. when it comes out, are your determined to walk FAR away from it and KEEP WALKING (or running)?
Sin is gross.
I don’t want to eat it, smell it or even look at it.
I’m no dog. I’m no fool.
You’re not either.
Leaving the vomit behind!
~ Chilly