I want to see the CHURCH, that Jesus set in motion, RISE UP and RETURN to being a community-shaking, Holy Spirit powered, world-changing, enemy-crushing, non-stop-smiling, servant-warrior family who are super courageous and explode with crazy love!
All in Christian Life
I want to see the CHURCH, that Jesus set in motion, RISE UP and RETURN to being a community-shaking, Holy Spirit powered, world-changing, enemy-crushing, non-stop-smiling, servant-warrior family who are super courageous and explode with crazy love!
Do you know why God made you? Have you asked Him? Maybe this blog will help you?
To the Christian leader, influence isn’t leverage to be exploited… it’s an earned opportunity to gracefully advance, encourage and become!
The best leadership ALWAYS begins and ends with the Lord. That's right, He MUST be Lord (not just Savior). When He's in charge, we are always suited to serve at the highest level.
Jesus wants ALL to be saved! Religious, pagan, rich, poor, young, old… ANYONE.
Doubt is a punk! He's a hater, poser and crippler. He causes you to focus on your feelings and fears. He distracts you from spending time with Jesus and reading God's Word.
“Be still and know;” what a powerful truth. Stillness is a tool that God uses to convert potential energy into actual energy.
IF it’s going to take a punch in the face (or worse) to get you moving? Call me, I’ll punch you! Anything to get the Word out! Chilly
WE are going to find, LOVE, encourage, disciple and empower hundreds & hundreds (then, thousands) of students and their families in the communities of America! #BOOM
Seems like today, we only hear what we want to hear and ONLY when we want to hear it. But, friend, that’s not how it works. God’s our Father – He speaks when He chooses – we must simply LISTEN and OBEY. And guess what?? God IS calling you!
God doesn't owe you an explanation or reason for everything He asks you to do. Understanding can wait, but obedience can't.