
Thank you for checking out my blog! Stay connected!
~ Chilly


Jesus said, “Every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a homeowner who brings from his storeroom new gems of truth as well as old.” Matthew 13:52

I like this for at least FOUR reasons:

1. Jesus opens the thought & door for religious teachers to be redeemed – in fact, He speaks to the wealth (blessing) that such a conversion brings to the body of Christ!

2. So often we think of Jesus ONLY rebuking them or them ATTACKING Him – but, there were many during Jesus’ earthly mission, and afterwards, that wholeheartedly changed!
NEVER forget, John 3:16 was spoken to ONE man – a religious teacher named Nicodemus. Jesus loved him … and, later, Nicodemus would risk everything to show up to care from Christ’s body after the cross!

3. When the ‘religious’ come to relationship with Christ, they bring an understanding of what God has done and what they have learned (the old) and then they are able to make the connection to what Jesus is doing & about to do (the new)… new gems AND old gems. Yes!

4. Jesus wants ALL to be saved! Religious, pagan, rich, poor, young, old… ANYONE. And where they have been will become a blessing to where Christ leads them. What the devil meant for evil, God will turn for good. Oh yeah! It’s a Romans 8:28 thing!

Keep your heart open to the lost – fight prejudice, hurt or past… Jesus is STILL seeking & saving the lost. JOIN HIM!

So, those are my thoughts… would love to hear your thoughts too!

searching for lost gems throughout the RiverBend and beyond!

~ Chilly

Are You In Danger?

Are You In Danger?

I doubt it.

I doubt it.