
Thank you for checking out my blog! Stay connected!
~ Chilly


“As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13

It’s SO easy to get all fired up and charge into new adventures!  We love it! It makes us feel alive! We crave the unexpected and quickly pursue new experiences. Trust me, I get it!

But, the danger — for me, at least — comes when we become complacent with key relationships or current responsibilities. This includes our commitment to Christ… serving others… marriage… family… and many other things! We LOVE it when it’s fresh, right in front of us and fulfilling. But, like any good thing, unless we daily find purpose and focus, it can become boring, bland and neglected.

No one on the day they’re saved, married, hired, etc. think to themselves, “this is going to become ordinary and I’m going to waver or walk away from my commitment at some point”… but we do, and we have. Marriages end, careers crumble and friendships fade…. Sigh.

This sucks!

I think this is why the Apostle Paul challenges the young leaders and church planters in Thessalonica to NOT GROW WEARY IN DOING GOOD! Listen, it’s not the church, or your pastor, or your spouse, or you friend; or anyone else’s responsibility to keep you focused and committed. LOVE DOES THIS.

This is why we need to fall in love with Jesus each and every day. This love, which is nurtured and grown through prayer, time in His Word and serving others is vital. When we allow it to become the FIRST thing every day, it spills over into every other relationship and encounter we have!

Maybe you need to grab a post-it note and write: “Don’t get tired of being good!” and stick it on your mirror?! Another note I’ve placed on my mirror (many times) is: “today is not about YOU!”

Bottom line is:

Do whatever you need to do in order to keep your relationship with Christ alive, passionate, growing and glowing! ~ Chilly

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Radical Turn!

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