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~ Chilly

Take it Back!

Today the malls, plazas, superstores and post offices are all packed with frustrated people ‘returning‘ gifts that they received 24 hours earlier… the reasons vary:  wrong size, wrong color, wrong style, duplicate item and the always familiar: “what were they thinking?!!” I have to admit, I’m not very easy to shop for – often my favorite present is a ‘gift receipt’ – that’s horrible! I’m sorry! I think I’ve improved… maybe?!

So, people will wait in long ‘return only’ lines to get cash or in-store credit (and find out what you really spent on them). Plus, the after-Christmas sales are awesome! For some, this is all just part of the “season”…

This got me thinking:  what attitude, comment or behavior came out this Christmas that you would like to return today? Our tendency is to just think, “wow, that was really stupid. I wish I hadn’t _______”… and, then, go about our day – striving to be better & not do it again. Or, just forget about it.

Well, that’s ok, but that’s not really enough. We need to return ALL that ‘junk’…  that is, go to the person or people where the words, attitude or behavior was ‘unwrapped’ and ask for forgiveness.  Yep, a heartfelt, genuiune apology. This is the right way – Biblical way – to ‘return’ icky things and make healing & wholeness possible…

Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. James 5:16

I challenge you to take care of this today… even, right now, IF possible.

Don’t wait for people to leave and time to pass.  Time doesn’t heal.  But, Jesus – through repentance – does.

Many happy returns, Chilly

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