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~ Chilly

Serving Up Some Worship!

Serving Up Some Worship!

… a Thanksgiving challenge for any day of the year.

Jesus said, “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks” John 4:23.

God’s looking for ‘true worshipers’ – and you know what, it has little to do with the musical stuff that happens at the beginning of our weekly church gatherings. Those times can be awesome: refreshing, anointed and impacting! But, worship is so much more!

IF the last couple years has taught us anything — as we navigated our way through the Covid-19 epidemic — is that “worship” must be MORE than a few songs in a church building. Yes, it was during those times being quarantined to our homes, that we were challenged to find other expressions for our love of God? And, ultimately we learned…

Worship MUST become BIGGER & BOLDER!

In the Old Testament (specifically Psalms, but other places too) worship is described using lots of different words and expressions.  Check them out:

Hallal: To shine, to rave, to praise, to boast, to be clamorously foolish, to act madly

Yadah: To revere, to give thanks or praise (with extended hands), to lift the hands

Barak: To bless, to kneel, to salute

Tehillah: A song or hymn of praise, a spontaneous expression of spiritual song

Zamar: To make music, to sing praise, to play a musical instrument, to pluck/strum.

Todah: Confession, praise, thanksgiving

Shabach: To exclaim, to shout, to laud, praise or commend

Worship can be so many wonderful expressions,
but the key is, it MUST be genuine. Totally from your heart!

Here’s something that maybe you didn’t know – or don’t want to hear — but I certainly was reminded about during Covid-19 none the less: the BEST worship doesn’t happen during the 1-2 hours you’re at your church each week...

Worship is expressed BEST through serving!

Paul said to the Romans (and us), “I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship” Romans 12:1.

Jesus said, “Imitate me” but
we choose to worship Him instead. 

He said, “…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” Matthew 20:28.


And we can all do it anytime & anywhere!  We call ‘church’ a service - seems obvious then, that serving should be a main function of who we are & what we do as HIS CHURCH

Here’s some NON-SUNDAY MORNING ways to SERVE up some WORSHIP:

  • SERVE some encouragement (calls, texts, letters, etc),

  • SERVE some prayer (up your intercession for others around the world),

  • SERVE some hope (wave & smile at your neighbors, and BE positive on Facebook),

  • SERVE some challenges (up your devotional plan - lead by example)

  • SERVE some health (get better sleep, eat better, go for walks, shoot some hoops, breathe deeper, etc)

  • SERVE some laughter (be the BEST you: fun, confident, silly, enjoyable! dance! take selfies with your kids — or even dare to do a TikTok with them … pop popcorn & watch funny movies).

  • SERVE some JESUS (keep Him at the forefront of your heart & conversation — talk about Him, testify, thank Him — fill a journal with his faithfulness and dreams for your destiny!


Then, when we DO gather together as His church, it’s FUN, PERSONAL and CREATIVE! Everyone who encounters us will KNOW that they are LOVED, they are VALUED and they BELONG! Serving does this!!

And, the fact is this: IF you don’t serve others, then you’re not serving God. So, let’s go for it!

Give ALL of yourself (without the fear or thought that you’re being taken advantage of).

When we bring our ‘A’ game, God notices and will reward accordingly.

But don’t do it for applause or a ‘spiritual’ comment – do it out of PURE LOVE!

So let’s do it!  You, me, any of us… ALL OF US! 


Ask yourself this question:

What can you do before you go to bed tonight
to serve someone else (
as worship unto God)?


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