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~ Chilly

Is MY God Too Nice?

Is MY God Too Nice?

Our “Nice God” keeps us safe and snug in our comfort zones.

Could it be possible that we have satisfied ourselves with a belief in God who is ‘just enough?’  A God who looks the other way when we mess up but is always ready for a big hug during worship?!

Wow, this is so reckless & naive… God is bigger & better than just a ‘church Santa Claus’ who’s simply here to grant our wishes.

Check out James’ challenge to us:

You surely believe there is only one God. That's fine. Even demons believe this, and it makes them shake with fear.” James 2:19 — read it again.

Did you get that? Even demons shake in the reality of our VERY real God. But do we even shudder… a little bit? Are we afraid of our God?

Probably not. Yet we should be. NO, not because He’s mean but because He’s GOD! We should be in awe, reverence and, yeah, FEAR; to His greatness, beauty, grace, holiness and LOVE.

But once we label ‘Nice God’ on the backdrop of the universe, we comfort ourselves in this reckless viewpoint and think our duty is done. Nothing else bothers us; we’re in good shape. We don’t need a thing.

Yet, in a moment we could be standing before the One whose eyes are like a flame of fire and hear Him speak from His throne:

“You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked” (Rev. 3:17).

Friends, let’s not allow ourselves to develop a passive, tepid, lukewarm devotion to the God of the Bible! Let’s refuse to make Him sick, or cause Him to spit us out of His mouth. He’s not trying to criticize you and He doesn’t have expectations that are impossible to reach; you’re the apple of His eye.

But, He is mighty and I want to be on the RIGHT side of this might! Refuse to only make Him your Savior but also make Him LORD.

There it is… that’s the key. He’s either Lord of All or He’s NOT Lord at all…

I hope this devotional challenge will make a definite difference in anyone reading this... Good people. Nice people. Not-so-nice people. Because I want to stir you up, not play into any part of your comfort zone.

Nice isn’t good enough.

We need a fearless, rugged commitment to the God of the Bible for which we are prepared to die. RT Kendall

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