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~ Chilly

When "seems good" is good enough.

When "seems good" is good enough.

Over the last 30+ years of my life and ministry, I have been part of MANY seasons of wonder, pursuit, calling, confirmation, hiring, firing and many other facets of vocational selection. I’ve never personally been fired or dismissed but I’ve been assigned to do this with others. HATED IT. And, as I look back (and forward) I’m left wondering…


And, now, here I am again in the process of praying, preparing and presenting myself to perspective churches, ministries, non-profits and even businesses. I’ve sent out 100’s of resumes, completed SO many assessments and repeated the same culture index dozens of times.

It sort of seems like we’ve made choosing a pastor (minister) or employee very, very, complicated and drawn out. Sure, we’ve all been burned and don’t want to hire the wrong person but there’s a ridiculous amount of steps and people involved in choosing the next leader for our church or organization.

The entire process has become so weighed down with multiple steps, committees, boards, tests, references, assessments, interviews and other things… and, so many are using church staffing or consulting groups — which, of course, adds even more people to the process and gives a voice and influence into some really important decisions to outsiders who will ultimately never have to live with their choice…

And, in the midst of it all, we forget about the one we’re interviewing. This person is being asked to reveal every detail of their life from pre-salvation to current devotional life: strengths, weaknesses, struggles, past, accomplishments, fiances, theology, conflict resolution, marriage, parenting, counseling and a bunch of references. They are also being asked to uproot their family, relocate, find new friends, housing, schools and make their HOME someplace brand new that anyone can call or drop by 24/7/365. But, only IF they are the top candidate and win our 3 month hiring sweepstakes! Yikes!

A simpler, biblical process like prayer, fasting & REALLY listening… seems reckless. But, is it? What IF we really listen and hear from God and, then, step out in faith (feels risky) and invite “the candidate?” In Acts, the NT church & leaders arrived at such a decision with a simple statement: “it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” Acts 15:28. And, they were talking about leaders like Paul and Barnabas!

I know — this sounds incredibly vague and risky. And, churches have probably arrived at this long, drawn out, process because of bad decisions and/or poor leadership which they hired through less thorough decisions. And, I also know that the word teaches us “Plans go wrong for lack of advice;  many advisers bring success” Proverbs 15:22

But wow, it’s so easy to take ourselves SO seriously that we begin to operate in the role of the Holy Spirit - trusting our maturity, experience and discernment to lead us to the right decision or person. We need to KNOW, REALLY REALLY KNOW, that we are obeying God and not hiring someone to obey US… gulp.


Ultimately, don’t we want our church, ministry, business, and homes to be SPIRIT LED? If yes, then when do we hand back the decision, direction & destiny to HIS control? OR, do we do all the talking, researching and testing and then simply ask Him to add a “blessing” to our conclusions?

Can the Lord ask us to:, do something or choose someone — that we’re not 100% sure about?

My wife and I are praying, fasting, talking, studying, preparing and moving forward regardless of the fact that we don’t know the WHERE. Our home is under contract and we’re moving SOMEPLACE! We are confident that God has a great plan and is preparing a community for His extravagant love through us!

Back to the verse in Acts 15… please note that the NT leadership used the word, “SEEMED” … “it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” — you may never have 100% assurance, and your next hire doesn’t come with a time or talent guarantee. But IF the Holy Spirit is leading the process, you can trust Him when it SEEMS good with Him! Yeah, “seems” sounds risky but I think Faith is often spelled: R-I-S-K.

Hear my heart — I want this to be easier. I want people to walk by faith and not by sight as we step into the unknowns of our destiny and purpose. Reminder: Samual - saw a shepherd boy, Jesse saw an unqualified son, David’s brother saw a nosy instigator, Saul saw a weak boy, Goliath saw a dog — they ALL missed who David really was — but not God! He saw a worshipping warrior, an obedient hero and future king! David seemed right to the Holy Spirit!

Let’s be sure we’re seeking to see anyone and everyone through the eyes of the Lord and with the potential and power of the Holy Spirit!

… at the end of the day, these are just my personal observations, convictions and opinions. It’s not like we’re going to go back to New Testament protocols… right??

But, maybe we will think about ‘us’ less and pray with Him a lot more and ultimately do what seems right…

I’m ready to LOVE bigger and better.


Christmas Prodigals

Christmas Prodigals

Let's GO!

Let's GO!