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~ Chilly



Scriptures from Contemporary English Version (CEV)

You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God's gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own. 9 It isn't something you have earned, so there is nothing you can brag about. 10 God planned for us to do good things and to live as he has always wanted us to live. This is why he sent Christ to make us what we are. Ephesians 2:8-10

His GIFT was given to:

  • To Save v.8a

  • To Serve v.8b-9

  • To Share. v.10

We become GIFTS this season (and always) through our:
(Spend 2-5 minutes on each focus to pray 30-60+ minutes)

C Confession (share your sins & struggles with God) 

So I confessed my sins and told them all to you. I said, “I'll tell the Lord each one of my sins.” Then you forgave me and took away my guilt.  Psalm 32:5

H Humility (empty yourself of ego & pride)

Pride leads to destruction; humility leads to honor. Proverbs 18:12

R Rejoice (forgiveness & freedom through Christ)

Our Lord, let your worshipers rejoice and be glad. They love you for saving them, so let them always say, “The Lord is wonderful!” Psalm 40:16

I Intercession (pray for needs of others)

Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people. Ephesians 6:18

S Scripture (speak or read the Word out loud)

Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. 17 The Scriptures train God's servants to do all kinds of good deeds. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

T Trust (share personal needs & dreams with the Lord)

With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow. Proverbs 3:5-6

M Ministry (find another person to encourage & pray with)

If you have sinned, you should tell each other what you have done. Then you can pray for one another and be healed. The prayer of an innocent person is powerful, and it can help a lot. James 5:16

A Accountability (with same person, plan time to reconnect this week)

God chose you, and we keep praying that God will make you worthy of being his people. We pray for God's power to help you do all the good things you hope to do and your faith makes you want to do.  2 Thessalonians 1:11

S Surrender (what robs you of Joy? Give stress, anxiety, fear, control)

Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. James 4:7

G Generosity (ask God for His plan for you & Kingdom Builders 2023)

If we can encourage others, we should encourage them. If we can give, we should be generous. If we are leaders, we should do our best. If we are good to others, we should do it cheerfully. Romans 12:8

I Inventory (allow the Lord to reveal what He’s doing IN you)

Our inner thoughts are a lamp from the Lord, and they search our hearts. Proverbs 20:27

F Focus (get a plan to be HIS gift to others this week & this season)

We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because he knew later on he would be glad he did. Now he is seated at the right side of God's throne! Hebrews 12:2

T Thanksgiving (come together, be thankful for each other & rejoice)

God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful. I pray that he will help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ. Then all of you together will praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Honor God by accepting each other, as Christ has accepted you. Romans 15:5-7

© 2022 Chilly Chilton Ministries

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